A personal blog about all things tabletop and miniature related. Boardgames, Warhammer, Warmachine, Hordes, and many more.
December 28, 2013
Battle Report - 3000 pts Dark Elves vs. Tomb Kings
December 11, 2013
December Painting Vows
So here's my vows for this month. It's the last month of the Escalation league at the GW store, so I want to try to get as much done as possible for the Painting competition at the end. I probably won't win it, but I think I could make a good showing.
Here's a pic of what I have going on so far this month:
And many, many... MANY more to go. SO if you're curious, here's my to do list for December.
- 1 Plague Furnace - complete!
- 14 Stormvermin - 10/14 complete
30 Plague Monks - complete! - 6 Slaves (6 V.V.P.s) -
- 10 DE Warlocks - 5/10 complete
- 30 Stormvermin - 16/30 complete
- 40 Clanrats - 13/40 complete
- 10 Slaves -
- 30 Plague Monks -
- 1 Plague Furnace -
- 2 WLC (1 old 1 new) -
- BSB -
- Warlord -
- Plague Priest -
- Rating Gun -
- Queek -
- 30 Stormvermin -
- 40 Clanrats -
- 10 Slaves -
- 30 Plague Monks -
- 1 WLC -
- 1 Plague Furnace -
- Warlock -
- BSB -
- Warlord -
- Plague Priest -
- Ratling Gun -
- Queek -
December 8, 2013
Painting FYI - Nihilak Oxide
Now, this wasn't a lot of area that was covered so it didn't take that long to paint up each of the models. I was surprised at how quick it set. So keep that in mind when you are using it. Definitely do it one model at a time. And if you have a lot of surface area being treated, do it in batches.
December 6, 2013
December 4, 2013
December 3, 2013
GW Digital Advent Calendar
November 28, 2013
Escalation League Battle Report: 1250 pts. vs. Dwarfs
November 23, 2013
New GW Technical Paints
Well, they're not Technical paints like the originally named Technical paints were (which were limited to liquid green stuff, a gloss coat, a matte coat, and a primer). But they don't fit neatly into the other categories. So, by now you've probably heard about these, but just for the sake of completeness, I'll give a quick run down on them. I will also link to the very well done GW videos on YouTube that show how to use the new paints.
November 14, 2013
The Thing About Terror...
So during my last game, a conversation about Terror came up, and I learned that you do not need to pass a Ld test to charge a Terror causing unit. If you had read my Battle report against Empire, my slaves didn't charge the Empire General's unit due to Terror. Turns out my opponent and I were both mixing editions.
I played a lot in 6th edition, and back then you had to make a Ld test to charge a unit that caused Terror. Or Fear too, if I remember correctly. No such thing in 8th edition Warhammer! So in other words... I very likely could have won that game had my Slaves gotten that back charge. I would have been up 6-1 in combat resolution to start! Even if I didn't kill anything, the Warrior Priest general couldn't make enough attacks to make that up, and it would be unlikely that his troops would have made that up either, and odds are I would get at least a couple kills with over 20 attacks coming at him.
So the PSA for today: Make sure you reference your rules early and often! Knowing is half the battle.
November 10, 2013
Escalation League Battle Report: 1250 pts. vs. Vampire Counts
First game of the November round. I was supposed to play Dwarfs, but unfortunately that game fell through, so instead I played Jose who was playing Vampire Counts. He's very new to Warhammer, just starting with this League. With the start of November our point totals have bumped up to 1250. Here's my List:
November 7, 2013
FYI: Miniature Market
Ok, it may seem odd that I'm essentially advertising a website, but I love this site. The site is called Miniature Market. It's a store down in St Louis, MO. Y9ou may be wondering why I love them so much: The Deal of the Day. Every day they offer something at a steep discount. Like today, I just ordered the Bioshock Infinite board game. Got it for $35 when it's normally $84.99. The trick is... you HAVE TO CHECK EVERY DAY! It never fails that when I don't check I miss something I really want. Like yesterday... they had Prime Axiom, the Warmachine Convergence of Cyriss colossal, on sale for $75. By the time I saw it mid afternoon it was sold out. I have previously gotten other great deals off the site. I picked up Dreadfleet for $35, normally over $100. And Battue: Storm of the Horselords and its expansion for $10, normally over $80 for the pair. They come highly recommended by me (if that means anything :P ). I had to deal with their customer service once when an order was missing something and they were very easy to deal with and corrected ASAP. Great guys to deal with.
November 6, 2013
My 2013 Army in a Weekend: Minotaurs Chapter Space Marines
Some of you may be wondering what I mean by Army in a Weekend. A local game store named Art of War, every year, does an event called Army in a Weekend. You order an army -- has to be a complete army -- from any system. You get 25% off and have to pay it off by the end of November. Then they make a bulk order and you can pick up the order mid December. They stay open for the entire weekend, the idea being everyone hangs out at the store and builds then paints their army. 24 hours a day from Friday to Sunday.
Unfortunately, I do not have the pull with my wife to be able to hang there and do that. If I was single I would! Anyway, so I chose to do Space Marines for this year. (Last year I did Trollbloods from Hordes) So I ordered the Strikeforce box set, 2 Rhinos, a box of Assault Terminators, and a Devestator Squad box. If my finances allow it I will add a second Devastator Squad box and a Tac Squad box to even those two out to 10 models. Then I just have to go to Forgeworld and buy the Minotaurs chapter upgrade pack along with Asterion Moloch... because unfortunately, you don't get the Preferred Enemy: Space Marines without him in your army. On top of that, with the forthcoming Codex: Inquisition, it looks like it will be fun.
November 5, 2013
First try at painting the Kharibdyss
What I did was: Khorne Red base, followed by Wild Rider Red on the scales, Fuegan Orange shade, then a "wetbrush" of Troll Slayer Orange, followed by a drybrush of Kindleflame, and finally a glaze of Bloodletter. I think it turned out pretty well. I haven't worked on the black yet, but I think I'm going to keep this color scheme on the rest of the scales.
October 23, 2013
Kharybdiss Inspiration
I like the black underbelly and the orange scaly top. I think I'm going to go for this color scheme. What do you think?
October 13, 2013
Escalation League Battle Report: 750 pts. vs. Empire
Today I played a League game vs. Empire. Here's the List break down, and remember this is still under the restriction of only core + 1 hero.
Skaven Forces
1 Warlock Engineer, lvl 2 (Warp Lightning and Crack's Call), Warp Energy Condenser, Ironcurse Icon, Dragonbane Gem
20 Stormvermin w/FC and Storm Banner + Warp Fire Thrower
30 Clanrats w/FC, Spears and shields + Poison Wind Mortar
30 Slaves w/ musician and shields
5 Giant Rats w/Packmaster
October 10, 2013
New Dark Elf Goodies!
New Kharibdyss model |
Cauldron of Blood |
Bloodwrack Medusa |
Crone Hellebron |
October 6, 2013
Oh nice...
October 5, 2013
Escalation League First Game - Skaven vs. Tomb Kings, Victory!
Had my first game in the Escalation League vs. Tomb Kings and finally got to write a Battle Report for it. To recap: 750 point lists, all core with 1 Hero level character allowed. I forgot to bring something to write on, so this is from memory.
October 3, 2013
Another unit... sort of done. And matte spray woes
I had a few fully base coated and went out to matte spray them yesterday. I thought it wasn't that humid outside, but apparently the paint thought differently... it's got that lovely haze to it now. Fortunately it's not horrible. I've had them come out worse. It's still annoying...
September 29, 2013
New Dark Elves
September 25, 2013
Dark Elves!!!
September 6, 2013
League Update: Rules are set
August 28, 2013
The Skaven Horde!!
This isn't even all of it. It grew from this point having about 2 units each of slaves and clanrats. A unit of Plague Monks. More weapon teams and Engineers. Just ignore the Necron Sentry Pylon and the Cyriss Clockwork Angels. :)
Escalation League Update and First Painted Skaven
I also got my first Skaven mini base coated. Mostly because when I bought it it was already assembled and primed. It's a Warpfire Thrower. It still needs to be Quick Shaded, but I may wait on that because I need to put some more liquid greenstuff in a seam to fill it in, otherwise the Quick Shade will settle there and that would look bad. Also because I have nothing else primed yet. Still trying to figure out where to spray. I'm thinking int he down stairs bathroom attached to the room I do my mini stuff in. I can utilize the exhaust fan. I bought a spray mask as well so spraying indoors won't be too big a deal. Also, these pics were a test of a new Macro lens I got for my phone's camera.
Front rat |
Back rat. Tuskgor Fur isn't too far off from the Ratskin Flesh color. :/ |
Warpfire tinged smoke |
Also, I finally have my Warplightning Cannon assembled. The old school one.
Can't wait to unleash this! I need to find another of these on Ebay or something. I don't like the look of the new one that's part of the multi-part kit that can be this or a Plague Claw catapult.
July 30, 2013
Escalation League Build Up: Skaven
2 Ratling Gun teams |
Warlock Engineer |
3/12 Storm Vermin |
Warplock Jezzail Team. I have one more but have yet to assemble it. |
10 Plague Monks |
More updates to come. And once the league starts, I plan on posting Battle Reports.
July 26, 2013
WHFB Escalation League
June 25, 2013
Goodies for my Birthday
The sad part was that Privateer Press wasn't there. I was hoping to pick up a bunch of the new Convergence of Cyriss stuff for Warmachine. Alas, they decided not to come to Origins this year. I was actually kind of mad about that since I was looking forward to having a:
moment. Heh. But it's okay, since they didn't want my business by snubbing the one Con I could go to this year, I got a surprise that allowed me to spend those dollars. Forge World crossed the pond and was in attendance in the dealer's room!
So I got my Shut Up and Take My Money moment anyway. :) I had pre-ordered the Imperial Armour 12 book the first day it went up for sale. I devoured it when I finally got it. I was excited to see these new, cool options for my beloved Necrons. So, I spent my money there. And boy did I ever! Forge World stuff, as you may very well know, ain't cheap.
My birthday present to myself |
June 11, 2013
Warmachine: Protectorate of Menoth Crusader
May 8, 2013
Inspiration in Mini Painting + a Couple More Done
Part of me thinks I'd be best to choose one thing and work on it. For instance, I have a few folks I know that play 40k and have asked me if I want to play. I'd love to! That means I have to get my Necrons together and start painting them. I know I don't NEED to have them painted to play, just assembled. (although a few people can attest to the infamous "invisible" Necrons I played with... just the bases as I hadn't assembled them yet) Plus the local game store (Art of War) is goign to be starting a Fantasy league which I'd love to participate in (though my wife would likely not like me finding yet one more thing to do on the weekends) so I could work on my Dark Elves or that Skaven box set that I haven't done squat with since buying it back during the 6th edition days.
I keep waiting to see if I get inspired to sit down and knuckle down on one project or if I will forever be flitting from one mini to another. Do a Warmachine here, a Hordes there, maybe a couple 40k, etc. Perhaps I should force myself to at least sit down and do a squad rather than individual minis.
What do you think? Do you find insipration guides your painting? Or is it necessity? Or, unlike me, do you only have one army to worry about? Or do you buy a squad and work it until it's done before movign on to the next one? (I tend to buy in bulk)
Anyway, here's a couple more minis I have finished.
May 7, 2013
First Mini & Quickshade Test
On top of being my first mini painted in over a decade, I decided to use it as an experiment for a product called Quickshade made by The Army Painter. The company was started by a couple ex-'Eavy Metal team members (Games Workshop's pro painters), so I was interested in the purported ease of building entire regiments of minis. Their instructions are to just basecoat the mini (no drybrushing or highlighting) then you dip the mini into the can of Quickshade -- which is a pigmented varnish -- then shake the excess off and let it dry. Sounded too good to be true, so I decided to drop $30 on a can and try it out.
So here's my progression:
April 25, 2013
First Minis In Over a Decade
Citadel Paint Hex Codes
Name | Color | Hex |
Ceramite White | FFFFFF | |
Averland Sunset | FCB825 | |
Jokaero Orange | EE3823 | |
Mephiston Red | 991115 | |
Khorne Red | 6A0002 | |
Naggaroth Night | 3E3355 | |
Daemonette Hide | 696685 | |
Kantor Blue | 002051 | |
Macragge Blue | 0D407F | |
Caledor Sky | 396F9E | |
Stegadon Scale Green | 074864 | |
Incubi Darkness | 0B4849 | |
Caliban Green | 00401E | |
Waaagh! Flesh | 20552B | |
Castellan Green | 304921 | |
Death World Forest | 5D6732 | |
Zandri Dust | 9E915C | |
Steel Legion Drab | 5F5134 | |
Bugman's Glow | 845045 | |
Ratskin Flesh | AE6B4E | |
Mournfang Brown | 650A09 | |
XV-88 | 72481E | |
Rhinox Hide | 493335 | |
Dryad Bark | 34312C | |
Mechanicus Standard Grey | 3D4B4E | |
Celestra Grey | 90A8A8 | |
Abaddon Black | 231F20 | |
Rakarth Flesh | A29E92 | |
The Fang | 436276 | |
Screamer Pink | 7C1645 |
Name | Color | Hex |
White Scar | FFFFFF | |
Yriel Yellow | FFDB01 | |
Flash Gitz Yellow | FEF200 | |
Troll Slayer Orange | F46C2E | |
Fire Dragon Bright | F58651 | |
Evil Suns Scarlet | C21920 | |
Wild Rider Red | EB2E28 | |
Wazdakka Red | 8C0A0C | |
Squig Orange | A94F44 | |
Xereus Purple | 471F5E | |
Genestealer Purple | 7761AA | |
Warpfiend Grey | 6C6A75 | |
Slaanesh Grey | 8E8C97 | |
Alaitoc Blue | 295788 | |
Hoeth Blue | 4C7FB4 | |
Altdorf Guard Blue | 1F56A8 | |
Calgar Blue | 4273B8 | |
Teclis Blue | 317FC1 | |
Lothern Blue | 33A2CF | |
Sotek Green | 0C6A74 | |
Temple Guard Blue | 329B8D | |
Kabalite Green | 028D66 | |
Sybarite Green | 30A66C | |
Warpstone Glow | 1E7332 | |
Moot Green | 52B246 | |
Warboss Green | 3E7F5D | |
Skarsnik Green | 5F936F | |
Loren Forest | 51702D | |
Straken Green | 628026 | |
Nurgling Green | 849B63 | |
Elysian Green | 758E3A | |
Ogryn Camo | 9EA94B | |
Ushtabi Bone | BCBC80 | |
Screaming Skull | D4D3A3 | |
Tallarn Sand | A67610 | |
Karak Stone | BB9662 | |
Cadian Fleshtone | C87958 | |
Kislev Flesh | D6A876 | |
Bestigor Flesh | D28B57 | |
Ungor Flesh | D7A767 | |
Skrag Brown | 904A0F | |
Deathclaw Brown | B36853 | |
Tau Light Ochre | BF6E1D | |
Balor Brown | 8B5910 | |
Zamesi Desert | DCA026 | |
Doombull Brown | 5D000A | |
Tuskgor Fur | 883736 | |
Gorthor Brown | 654641 | |
Baneblade Brown | 927F6E | |
Dawnstone | 70756E | |
Administratum Grey | 949B94 | |
Eshin Grey | 4A4F53 | |
Dark Reaper | 3C5051 | |
Thunderhawk Blue | 417175 | |
Skavenblight Dinge | 48413B | |
Stormvermin Fur | 736C66 | |
Ulthuan Grey | C7E0DA | |
Pallid Wych Flesh | CDCEBE | |
Russ Grey | 547588 | |
Fenrisian Grey | 709CB7 | |
Pink Horror | 91305D | |
Emporer's Children | B94278 |
Name | Color | Hex |
Praxeti White | FFFFFF | |
Hexos Palesun | FEF200 | |
Kindleflame | F69E86 | |
Lucius Lilac | B69FCB | |
Etherium Blue | A1B9D1 | |
Skink Blue | 59C1CE | |
Hellion Green | 83C3A9 | |
Underhive Ash | BFBD80 | |
Eldar Flesh | EDC184 | |
Tyrant Skull | CEC687 | |
Terminatus Stone | C7BBD3 | |
Longbeard Grey | DFDEC9 | |
Chnageling Pink | F4AFCE |
Name | Color | Hex |
Gauss Blaster Green | 84C2A9 | |
Baharroth Blue | 59C1CE | |
Dorn Yellow | FFF683 | |
Fulgrim Pink | F4AFCC | |
Flayed One Flesh | CDC586 | |
Krieg Khaki | BFBD82 | |
Blue Horror | A2BAD2 | |
Lugganath Orange | F89E86 |
April 22, 2013
Blood and Power Weapons
April 21, 2013
Handy App: Pallettes
The only thing the app is lacking is the ability to put a custom name to a color. The author of the app says that it's on his to do list for future updates, so I hope it comes soon.
What to start with...
I'm thinking of starting with some Reaper minis just to get the hang of things before I tackle my armies which I want to look good on the table. After all, every gamer knows that a painted army performs better on the table!