Part of me thinks I'd be best to choose one thing and work on it. For instance, I have a few folks I know that play 40k and have asked me if I want to play. I'd love to! That means I have to get my Necrons together and start painting them. I know I don't NEED to have them painted to play, just assembled. (although a few people can attest to the infamous "invisible" Necrons I played with... just the bases as I hadn't assembled them yet) Plus the local game store (Art of War) is goign to be starting a Fantasy league which I'd love to participate in (though my wife would likely not like me finding yet one more thing to do on the weekends) so I could work on my Dark Elves or that Skaven box set that I haven't done squat with since buying it back during the 6th edition days.
I keep waiting to see if I get inspired to sit down and knuckle down on one project or if I will forever be flitting from one mini to another. Do a Warmachine here, a Hordes there, maybe a couple 40k, etc. Perhaps I should force myself to at least sit down and do a squad rather than individual minis.
What do you think? Do you find insipration guides your painting? Or is it necessity? Or, unlike me, do you only have one army to worry about? Or do you buy a squad and work it until it's done before movign on to the next one? (I tend to buy in bulk)
Anyway, here's a couple more minis I have finished.
A Dark Elf Witch Elf just base coated. I gave her a dip in the Army Painter Soft Quickshade (not pictured). I'm debating if I should have used the Strong Quickshade. The Soft didn't make much of a contrast. I used strong on a mini with more white than this one had (see below) but it made the white look "dirty." But I guess I could have gone back over the white afterwards. I'm just a lazy painter. :)
This is a Repenter Warjack from Warmachine. From The Protectorate of Menoth force. A theocratic country. The official color scheme is white with red and gold, but I wanted to do something different. Not totally different. I went with:
White with purple and gold. And I used Tamiya gunmetal on other metallic parts. I gave this a Strong tone Quickshade dip. I ran into a few snags. If you zoom the picture you can see some of the issues. First off... the mini was too heavy to shake off the excess using the pliers. It kept slipping out of the grip. (this is an old mini, so it's all metal) As a result, it ended up in the grass a couple times and it got vegetation stuck in it. I didn't get it all out. Secondly, the white got too "dirty" looking. I wiped the large flat areas clean of the Quickshade using a bit of toilet paper. Unfortunately as it snagged on pointy bits and as the Quickshade varnish settled and got tacky, I ended up with a lot of fuzz being deposited onto the mini. Looks like crap up close, but from a distance both issues aren't that noticeable. This mini is fully matted and based.
Here's a few other Menoth minis. From left to right: Revenger, Knight Exemplar, and a Crusader. They have been primed and I have blocked out in gray the areas that will be painted white. I cover them in gray, essentially "priming" them a second time, so the white goes on better and doesn't require 5 coats to not look splotchy. So these will get some attention next. The big area blocked to be white on the front of the Revenger, most people freehand a Menofix (the symbol seen in the Repenter above and on the Crusader's shoulders) onto the area. But what I want to try to do is make it look like the area is covered in scripture. Not sure how I am goign to go about that yet, but I think it would look cool and would be thematic with origins of the army.