January 30, 2014

Minotaurs Escalation Force - 1st Squad Done

Finally got my 2nd Company, 1st Squadron base coated and the shoulder decals applied. Here's the result:

Here's the first one I completed in its entirety and Quickshaded to see how it would turn out:

The Quickshade turned out great! So now I have no qualms with continuing the rest with it. Unlike What I did with my Skaven, after dipping the model I used some paper towel to blot the worst pooling, so it came out real nice.

One thing I noticed though... no amount of SolvaSet will make the decals lay perfectly flat on those rounded pauldrons. If anyone has any tips how to put them on without getting wrinkling around the edges, please let me know.

Onward and upward. More painting to do.

January 14, 2014

Space Marines Coming Along

I've been working on assembling my Minotaurs when I can. The goal is to have them done and painted by February for the start of the Escalation League. I just got my Forgeworld order yesterday, so I can start working on the vehicles. I got Minotaur Shoulder Pads and Rhino doors. Also the Minotaurs etched brass and transfer sheet. So I am good to go.

Here's a shot of one of the command squad with the shoulder pad:
And here's some Tac Squad members. I just need 2 more Tac members to be done with my troops.

I haven't attached the weapon hand to my Captain yet. I'm debating if I should magnetize it or not. I may go out today and see if I can find some magnets small enough for his wrist and the gun hands. Just got a multi-speed Dremel for Christmas so it will be handy for doing the drilling work. I already have a chuck from my old single speed Dremel, so it's good to go in regards to drilling.

January 4, 2014

January Painting Vows

So I'm goign a little more realistic this month in my vows. Seeing as there's the new 40K Escalation League in February, I need to get my SPEHSS MAHREENS built for it. So I need to built, paint, and base 20 Tacticals, a captain and his command squad, a Razorback, and 2 Rhinos. Should be doable.

Once that's done I will start working on whatever else I need for March. Here and there I plan on finishing off much of the Skaven stuff I have been working on.

What are your plans for this month?

January 3, 2014

December Vows - Final Tally

So, just a couple posts back I laid out my December vow for what to do. It was a lofty goal, and as I thought... I reached to high. Didn't even come close to finishing what I wanted to do. But with the Holidays, and kids, etc., there was a lot of distractions. If you want to see what all I intended to do, you can go look at the old post, but here's what I did accomplish this month:

1 Plague Furnace
10 Stormvermin
30 Plague Monks
5 DE Warlocks
4 Giant Rats
5 DE Dark Riders
1 DE Bloodwrack Shrine
10 DE Witch Elves
1 DE Scourgerunner Chariot
1 DE Kharibdyss
1 DE War Hydra

21 Stormvermin
18 Clanrats

1 Stormvermins) -
1 Giant Rat

Truth be told, the only reason those two got based was as experiments on what I wanted to do with them. I have a mix of minis that have the bases sanded and then primed, and many that were primed and painted before the bases were sanded. So I was testing if I wanted to sand then hit it with the matte spray to lock it down before painting and dry brushing it, or if I wanted to sand it then Quickshade the model and let the varnish lock down the sand and color it.

All in all, I still got a lot done. January will be furious with model building as I am starting a 40K Escalation League in February, doing Minotaurs Space Marines. So at the very least, I need to get two Tac Squads, two Rhinos, a Razorback, and a Command Squad built for February, and preferably painted as well. 26 models and 3 vehicles should be doable.