September 9, 2015

Loot Call! - Kickstarter Rewards and a Rare Find

I have had several new things come through the mail recently and I wanted to show them off to you.

Custome Decals from Fallout Hobbies
I was a backer on a Kickstarter for Fallout Hobbies, a company dedicated to making custom decals. I had decided to start a Angels of Absolution force to run with my Knights (Dark Angels successor chapter), but there were no decals available. Voila! I now have more then enough to make my allied force.

Next up, my rare find. A still sealed Strike Force Ultra box! I've been wanting this for a long time, but it became as difficult to find as Bigfoot once I had the money for it. Found it on eBay. Paid more for it than the RRP, but still less than all the components separately. More importantly, I got the Captain in Terminator armor without having to shell out $100 for it on its own. This puts me at about 57 Terminators total. A little over half of the Minotaurs first company.

Stack o' Stuff!!

Next up, my Kickstarter for the new CMON board game: Rum & Bones. Think League of Legends with Pirates as a board game.

Rum & Bones base game

The French Expansion
I also received the expansion: La Brise Sanguine. French for The Red Something-or-Other. Although I had ordered the Mazu's Dreadful Curse expansion, so this was a mess up on CMON's part. I emailed them and they will be shipping me the correct expansion. I get to keep this one, so hey, free stuff!

The Extra Bits
These are the fiddly bots in the shipping. Plastic coins, custom dice (the yellow ones are faction specific for Mazu's and were an extra buy), the Mercenary Tide Deck (cards), two sculpted deck guns, and then the little box contains the Nemo figure for the character card you see as well as an extra deck gun. That was a special promo figure for getting the Mazu's Expansion.

The Mercenary boxes. Extra characters that can work for any faction or as their own faction using the Mercenary specific Tide Deck.

Extra Bone Devils characters. These are one of the base factions in the main game. These were all stretch goals.

Two Wellsport Brotherhood character boxes (the other main starter faction) and a box of Mazu's Dreadful Curse heroes. Sadly, the second box of Mazu's heroes didn't get unlocked during the campaign.

The Sea Monsters pack is a sculpted set for the Kraken tentacles and the Sea Dragon that can show up during the game. The Dragon is summoned, the Kraken shows up if you use too many Tide Deck powers.

And finally three more Mercenary factions. These sets are a complete faction unto themselves with one of each class in the game. Luck Goddesses (all female team), Skull Kickers (based off the Image Comics/Web Comic characters) and Helrokkers (think 80's big hair metal characters mixed with Kiss face paint).

That rounds out the Rum & Bones Kickstarter. Bear with me, one more thing!

 I pre-ordered the USAriadna faction set from Corvis Belli along with the GenCon limited edition Roger van Zant figure. There's a regular van Zant fig, but this one has him with an AP Rifle.

Whoops! Lol!

A look inside the box

Templates and tokens
The box also comes with a rule book with the rules for the USAriadna faction forces, as well as paper terrain and starter rules.

All in all I've been keeping the mail man busy. Carry on!

1 comment:

  1. The rum and bone resin's are unbelievable. They had them at nova...i was completely awe struck at the mini's!

    I love me some terminators! Good find on the box!
