March 10, 2014

Loot Call! : More Goodies from Scibor and Others

Just got some more stuff in the mail. Things for decorating my Rhinos, etc. among other things. Come check them out!

The bulk of what I got was from Scibor Miniatures. If you've seen other Loot Call posts by me you've seen some shields I used on my Terminators. Now I got some other stuff for basing and vehicle decoration.

This is the Scibor Spartan Basing Kit. It's a bunch of statuary heads. It's a shame there isn't other statue parts in it, but the heads will work just fine. The picture makes them look bigger than they are, but they will do nicely for putting on the base of my flyers and would also fit on the Table War tray I just got with the insert for my Terminators.

This is the Spartan Reliefs set. There's four of them in there. Good for putting on vehicles or buildings. I haven't decided exactly where I'm goign to put them yet, but I have seen them in use on someone else's Minotaurs chapter Land Raider and they looked awesome. In a similar vein:

These are their Spartan Decorated Plates. Not sure where you could use them? They are designed to fit in that little recess on the side of a Land Raider chassis near the front. With a little green stuff to fill the gap, you could use it on a Rhino as well I think.

These two have decorative shields and emblems for the vehicles. They are the Spartan Decorations Set 2 and 1 respectively.

And finally, my last Scibor purchase, this is the Templar Ruins Basing Kit. Bits of walls sticking up that will also got on my flyer bases and tray inserts.

If you haven't checked out Scibor before, I highly recommend them. They have a lot of great products for doing conversions and scenery. I have found their products at some online retailers, most notably FRP Games. They are based out of Poland, but I have never had an issue ordering from them and getting my stuff.

One more recent purchase:
Another Polish sculptor selling his conversion bits. He sells on Ebay under the name Bitspudlo and also has a website. This is a Las-Plas Cannon for a Razorback. Normally you can only get it in a Land Raider kit, something I don't understand. Well, I mean I do understand, but I think it's silly. Reasonably priced especially considering what people sell the bits from the LR kit for on Ebay. You should check them out too. To be honest, as you can see in the picture right by my index finger, there's bubbling in the resin that needs to be fixed, and while it's a bit bad along that edge, the rest is in good shape. 

So that's all from mailbox for now.

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