September 28, 2014

WIP: Imperial Knight Gerantius Early Phase

Having finished Amaranthine a little while ago, my next project is Gerantius. While I haven't gotten too far on him, I figured I'd show what I was doing base wise with him.

You can check out my post about Amaranthine and see what I did with that base. It was, for the most part, the way they showed in the Citadel How to Paint series for Knights: sanded base, Mournfang Brown base coat, two different dry brush highlights, scattered grass (I used flock instead of the GW static grass), and I put a few Army Painter grass tufts and shattered column pieces from Secret Weapon on the base.

I decided to go a different route with Gerantius. I am going to keep the color scheme the same to tie them together so they don't look too off when fielded together as a army. I decided to go with a rubble theme. I traced the outline of the feet and got to work.

My first step was to put down the last of my Templar Ruins pieces (from Scibor Minis) with super glue. Next, I put down some thin super glue and took pinches of 1/48 scale ceramic bricks (from Secret Weapon) and dropped them where the glue was. I then placed small drops of super glue on the bricks where they were stacked to keep them that way and also along the edge of any that scattered out of the glue to let capillary action glue them to the base. I hit the base with some accelerator to firm everything up.

I scattered some more individual bricks around and glued them down, hitting it with accelerator again. Afterwards I realized I could have dropped the individual bricks after putting down the glue for the sand. Duh. Oh well, I'll remember that for the next time. I spread around the white glue (I prefer Mod Podge which I find to already be a little thinner than your typical PVA glue you get in the store like Elmer's so no worry about thinning it, but you can as it is water soluble), dropped a few more bricks and then poured my sand mixture over the base.

Finally, I glued the legs on using my Plastruct Bondene. Although the right foot doesn't sit completely flat this time. I can stick a grass tuft in front of it and no one will be the wiser.

So that's it so far. Once i get the upper body structure done I can prime and base coat. The main body comes together pretty quick. Like Amaranthine, I'll hit it with Tamiya Gun Metal spray and then dry brush with Runefang Silver and pick out a few highlights here and there and Nuln Oil the recesses. After that it's just a matter of painting the main body panels.

I was intimidated when I started working on Amaranthine, which is why I think it took me so long to get that model done. Knights seem intimidating at first, but truth be told, they're pretty quick and easy to paint depending on how much detail work you want to put into them. There's lots of molded on wires and conduits and tubing, etc. If you want to pick out all those details in different colors and such, you can be at it for a long time. If you want a good paint job quick though, it's easily achievable on the Knight model. More so than on smaller models in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Good start to the project Evan. If you wanted, you could probably get away with building up some layer around the feet (either with a green stuff indentation), or extra sand. It would look like the feet had "pressed" down somewhat and were making small craters, and fill that gap between the toes.

    Of course as you said, it'll most likely be hidden by the end anyway!
